Friday, June 29, 2012

Cast Call For Our, "Grand Opening Celebration"

Our "Grand Opening Celebration Show," will be held on September 8th and 9th, at 8:00PM.

If you are interested in performing, please come to an NPTGlee! rehearsal, (Mondays at 7:00) on or before July 16th.

The show will be in the style of our cabaret nights, with two 45-60 minute sets.

In order to show our musical versatility, current plans are for the first set to feature, "pop" style music and the second, "Broadway."

Rehearsals will be Monday and at least one other night, to be determined.

Don't miss your chance to be in the FIRST show at the New Players Theatre Guild Center For The Performing Arts!

NPTG Ribbon Cutting and Open House

We will be holding a, "Ribbon Cutting Ceremony," followed by an afternoon of informal tours of the building on Saturday, August 4, 2012, at 15 Rollstone Street.

If you can't make it for the ribbon cutting, our doors will be open to everyone until 5:00PM. Come and see our progress!

Light refreshments will be served and we'll have people to show you around and answer any questions you might have about the building, our goals and our plans for future improvements at the building.

We will also be holding several small raffles, (to be drawn at the end of the day) and tickets will be available for our, "Grand Opening Celebration. (More on that to come..)

We hope to see you there!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

We Have Our Occupancy Permit!

On June 12, 2012, we finally received our occupancy permit for 15 Rollstone Street and the building is officially designated by the City of Fitchburg as a THEATER!

We've been saying that this day would come for some time, so We can hardly believe it ourselves, but this means we can finally, legally, allow the public into the building for fund-raising events, shows and more.

Although it is nothing short of a miracle that we got to this point, with the limited funds we had available, by literally thousands of hours of work, by those dedicated to the effort, we've made it. Thank you. You know who you are.

Although there is much more we would like to do and the progress has long and slow, we have transformed what was a declining, mistreated building into something that CAN begin to make us the money we need to survive, going forward.